Friday, 3 August 2012

Join The Hullabaloo!

It was a cold and misty morning today, so Genevieve and I decided on warm Milo and an hour of story time before breakfast.  Winnie the Pooh stories and a whole series of Colin West’s delightful books were devoured.  My friend, Aiza, lent us a whole bunch of these clever and colourful animal tales and they’ve become a favourit read.

These spirited-animal stories include “Hello great big bullfrog”; “‘Pardon?’ said the giraffe”; and “Go tell it to the toucan!” One of G’s favourite is the story of a bullfrog, who doesn’t feel so great after meeting lots of greater, bigger animals. He’s so upset that he doesn’t want to join the hullabaloo. It’s a bright, clever and cheerful tale of a bullfrog with a rather fragile ego – completely irresistible!

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