Thursday, 13 December 2012

Snow is my Favourite and my Best, Charlie!

Genevieve’s life right now seems to be filling up with more and more 'Charlie and Lola'.  Her favourite saying is ‘easy peasy lemon squeezy’,  which is very cute for a 3 year old and rather funny for as a Mum.  Her library book box has 3 Charlie and Lola books and I have ordered a DVD for her Christmas stocking.  Her favourite read at the moment is “Snow is my favourite and my Best’, which means that anything that G likes become’s her ‘favourite and her best’, whether she is referring to food or clothing, a toy or a friend.

To give you an idea of the story, the weatherman has predicted snow, and Lola is thrilled.  She wants to stay up all night and wait for the snow.  When it does finally arrive she gets to have loads of fun with Charlie and her friends. This joy is, however, short lived as the following day the snow has all melted and turned to mush.  Lola of course wants to know "Why can't it snow ALL the time?" 

So starts an adventure to the Arctic, where Charlie shows Lola why never-ending snow and cold might not be so much fun for a little girl. How could Lola go swimming or wear her favourite outifts if it were always cold? This is as always a really good fun and emotionally uplifting read.

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